Nicolas Comment

A*** (2004)

Nicolas Comment

Born in 1973

A*** brings together images that were sent at random under the guise of postcards to the inhabitants of Essonne without any justification other than Nicolas Comment's desire to make a poetic gesture. If its title seems reminiscent of Aurélia by Gérard de Nerval, then this is a distant connection. Comment maintains a certain idea of femininity that seems to crystalize in the form of elusive, ghostly silhouettes that accompany one another.Read more

"What do we know of that which we cannot see and of the water behind mirrors? Some rooms are the same as the bed of a river: floating there, a current suspends our dreams and then brings them to us while we bathe in sleep," wrote poet Bernard Noël, echoing the series.

This project was created during an artist residency organized by the Ville d'Épinay-sous-Sénart and is supported by the General Council of Essonne.