Philippe Guionie


Philippe Guionie

born in 1972 in Brive (France)

From early 2008 to the end of 2010, Philippe Guionie toured Latin America in search of an unrecognized population: black people of the Andean regions. The portraits of the men and women he met during his journey, narrated by the words of Christian Caujolle, speak of the roots of these people who were snatched from their African homeland and transplanted in Latin America by the slave trade as early as the 16th century. Guionie visited Bolivia, Columbia, Chili, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador, and in each of these countries he was able to find traces of their culture. He photographed individuals of all ages and backgrounds; individuals who either become overly expressive or draw a blank when faced with a camera. According to Christian Caujolle, "the photographer records his encounter and discoveries of a new universe and culture without ceremony […] and with the same humanity, within square format portraits that allow the light to tenderly sketch their features, their shape, their skin."